Monday, May 13, 2013

"People Mock Me, 311 Pounds".


Yesterday, my sister sent me a link to a project by Hailey Morris-Cafiero called “Wait Watchers.” Hailey, an overweight woman with more self-esteem than I will ever have in my entire life, has been ridiculed – often behind her back (but hardly unknown)- her whole life.  Rather than get hurt and angry, she decided to take back her power and turn her camera and capture it on film.
I’ve never thought that shame was an effective way to combat anything, but in this case, yeah.  She sets up her camera in broad daylight and her assistant takes shots of what she sees. And what she sees is really quite heartbreaking.  People see the camera out, but still feel that because they’re behind Hailey, their cruelty is hid as well.  That’s why this project is so powerful. Their ugliness caught on film is far more difficult to look at and deal with than any heavy person’s weight ever will be.
My sister’s comments were: “This is a really powerful project.  I felt sad and angry by the people in this story.”  I wrote back and told her that five years ago, that was MY life.  Hell, it may even be my life still.  I’m not a slight woman even now after maintaining a 145 lbs loss.  And I certainly don’t have her kind of confidence of mind.  Seeing these photos would break me, even now.
Just yesterday, I had a conversation with Jake about “being invisible” when I weighed 311 lbs.  Now obviously, I wasn't   Everyone could see me at 5’7″ and 311 lbs – you couldn't miss me.  But no one looked me in the eye.  No one held a door for me.  I felt invisible.  What’s sad is that I know I wasn’t, and I know this type of thing probably went on all the time behind my back.  I just never had the foresight to turn the camera on and take back my power.  So BRAVO to Hailey.
Take a look at the project on her website at or on the salon. com article that my sister sent me here.  What’s YOUR reaction to this?  Have you ever DONE this?  Have you ever had this happen TO you?  Would love to hear your thoughts and comments below.


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